Thank you to every Canadian who signed e-2574 (Democratic process) making it the most signed Parliament of Canada e-petition in history with 230,905 signatures!
"We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the Prime Minister to immediately scrap his government’s May 1, 2020, Order in Council decision related to confiscating legally owned firearms and instead pass legislation that will target criminals, stop the smuggling of firearms into Canada, go after those who illegally acquire firearms, and apologize to legal firearms owners in Canada."

Northwest Territories Gun Clubs

Northwest Territories Firearms Information and Statistics:

Valid firearms licences issued in Northwest Territories (December 2014 - RCMP data)
• Possession and Acquisition Licences = 5,211 (Includes Possession Only Licences prior to Bill C42)
• Minor's Licences = 29
Total Northwest Territories firearms licences of all forms = 5,240

Northwest Territories is ranked 3rd in number of firearms licences per 100,000 population at 12,638

Northwest Territories is ranked 12th for number of Restricted and Prohibited firearms in Canada at 1,599

Northwest Territories Chief Firearms Officer
701-10065 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 3B1
Tel: 1-800-731-4000
Fax: 780-495-7970
Mailing Address:
11140 109 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta
T5G 2T4

Northwest Territories Firearms and Shooting Associations:

Northwest Territories Biathlon Association

Northwest Territories Federation of Shooting Sports

Northwest Territories Gun Clubs:

Hay River Shooting Club
Box 4604, Hay River, Northwest Territories, X0E 1G2

Top of the World Sporting Association
Box 1895, Inuvik, Northwest Territories

Yellowknife Shooting Sports Club
522 Range Lake Road, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, X1A 3B7

Copyright ©2021 Canada Gun Club
