"We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the Prime Minister to immediately scrap his government’s May 1, 2020, Order in Council decision related to confiscating legally owned firearms and instead pass legislation that will target criminals, stop the smuggling of firearms into Canada, go after those who illegally acquire firearms, and apologize to legal firearms owners in Canada."
Where do you stand on gun regulation?
Toronto Star poll February 14, 2019:
"Where do you stand on gun regulation?"
10.07% = I'm in favour of more gun laws. We need to protect people from violence involving firearms.
70.73% = I don't think they work, and they unfairly penalize law-abiding gun owners.
18.61% = I'm in favour of sensible gun laws, but I think Bill C-71 goes too far.
0.59% = I'm not sure.